
This is a library for building off-chain code on Cardano. It is a cardano-cli like wrapper on cardano-serialization-lib (equivalent to MeshJS’s lower-level APIs), supporting serious DApps’ backend on Rust codebase. It has an active F11 proposal for supporting the development.

whisky is composed of 2 layers - the root layer sidan-csl-rs and user-facing layer whisky. sidan-csl-rs composed of the core serialization logic with the pattern of JSON-to-transaction, compilable to wasm. whisky is the user-facing package that Rust Cardano developers can import directly for use.


  • Same API patterns with MeshJS - the lower learning curve for developers.

  • Integrated with TxPipe's uplc for off-node auto redeemer exUnits updates.

  • Full inline documentation hosted at github


Rust Library

cargo add whisky


# For nodejs package
yarn add @sidan-lab/sidan-csl-rs-nodejs
# For browser package
yarn add @sidan-lab/sidan-csl-rs-browser

Full API Documentation

Please refer to the hosted documentation for the list of endpoints.

Last updated